Power Hour

2 Day - Public Speaking Workshop

The Power Hour is a two-day workshop designed with the needs of an adult learner in mind. Power Hour has been thoughtfully created to quickly increase confidence through immediate and positive feedback - something that is sorely lacking in today’s world. At the top every hour we “pause” to address “learning moments” and to give one another the recognition we need to move through the fear aspect of being vulnerable in front of a large group of people. Public Speaking is rated among the #1 fears, and we have found immediate positive feedback to be essential building blocks to increased confidence. This makes ours workshops unlike any other. Imagine participating in a group where the foundations of peer support and encouragement are put into practice, and you are provided the practical skills you need to flourish?! You will be given the opportunity to kick the fear of criticism out the door once and for all. It’s a win-win situation!

Key take-aways include learning to:

  • walk into a room with ease

  • creating communications with a succinct beginning, middle, and an end

  • develop eye contact

  • read the room and assess for change

  • address the fear of public speaking and overcome it

  • allow your true personality to shine through without feeling stiff or judged

Hi! I’m Nancy. Speaker and Designer.

My career has spanned over 20 years of public speaking, helping 1000 leaders, to learn leadership skills. The most rewarding aspect of my role was teaching leaders, and managers the skills necessary to speak in public with confidence - defeating the fears that held them back.

The environment we create together in the Public Speaking workshop is safe, and because of the trust aspect, it opens pathways to learning new skills in a low stress environment. Adults do not learn well under stress, so establishing the principles you need to interact together comfortably (the audience) is something I’ve honed over my career. My passion and care for people really shines through when I am able to connect with others, and help them grow. My speciality is bringing people together in unity so we can all develop new skills. Having fun, and making connections are key to this workshop.

If you are a leader, or manager this workshop is key to succeeding in your role. You need someone with the experience and confidence to help you.

Are you ready to feel inspired, and empowered to become the best public speaker you can be?

Does this sound familiar...

Does this sound familiar...

  • you get knots in your stomach every time you’re asked to conduct a presentation

  • you’re not sure what impact you have on others but you want to find out

  • you know you could get a promotion if you honed your public speaking skills

  • you criticize yourself for turning red in the face when called on in a group

  • you are weary of the “fake it till you make it” mentality

It’s time to address the root problem, by giving yourself the tools you need to become a great public speaker.

You can learn the skills you need!


  • get rid of the jitters in your tummy when you’re called on to speak

  • conduct presentations with flow and ease

  • speak in public with confidence

  • trust yourself and the people around you when you fumble or fall

  • feel respected because you’ve overcome the fear of public speaking

  • feel activated instead of fearful and wanting to hide

  • learn what safe body language is

Sign Up Today!

The first 5 participants to sign up receive 20% off

Individual fees: $1500.00

15% savings for companies who register 2 or more employees

The Canada Alberta Job Grant is available for employers who send their employees for training. Ask about our Mastery Program to meet the funding requirements.

I'm Nancy, and I’ve led hundreds of groups, and now I want to teach you! Close to a Masters in Interdisciplinary Leadership, Certified Life Coach, Certified Executive Coach, Lominger Kornferry Leadership Architect Certification, and Voices 360 Certification.

I’m married to my best friend Tim, and we have a blended family of 9, and I’m a grandma! I really enjoy my little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, hiking, and growing flowers which I turn into designs.

What leaders are saying about working with Nancy Riegel

“I met my goals, and learned things about myself I never knew. It’s the best course anyone can take to learn how the tools they need”! CB

“My only regret is that I didn’t take this course sooner! I feel happier and more confident about how to speak in pubic!” AR

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